Safeguarding Information
The Designated Safeguarding Leaders in School. are: |
Ms Ahmed
Head Teacher
Miss Emily Hewitt
Mr Amir Afzal |
Chair of Governors
Link Safeguarding Governor |
Mr Peter Irvine |
Vice Chair of Governors
Link Safeguarding Governor |
Anti-Bullying Charter
At Carlton, we are working together to create a community that does not tolerate bullying of any kind. Therefore, we have created an Anti-Bullying Charter that will help us prevent and tackle any bullying.
Keeping Children Safe in Education Document
Keeping children safe in education is statutory guidance that schools and colleges in
England must have regard when carrying out its duties to safeguard and promote
the welfare of children. Click the link below to read the latest Keeping Children Safe in Education Document.
Working Together to Safeguard Children
Working Together to Safeguard Children is a guide to inter-agency working to safeguard and promote the welfare of children is the government’s statutory guidance for all organisations and agencies who work with, or carry out work related to, children in the United Kingdom. You can read the guidance by clicking the link below.
Working Together to Safeguard Children 2023
Operation Encompass
As part of a range of work to tackle domestic violence and abuse Kirklees Children’s services, West
Yorkshire Police and schools across the area have developed a process to provide better support to
children affected by domestic violence. This is called Operation Encompass. The Kirklees process will involve notifying schools and educational establishments when one of their pupils has been present at an incident of domestic violence that the police have attended. This notification will be done the following morning- ideally before the start of the school day.
The purpose of the notification is not to duplicate or replace any safeguarding interventions that may occur as a result of the police intervention, but to provide information to schools so that they can better support the pupil the next day in whatever way is appropriate. The process will always be followed in conjunction with current safeguarding procedures and guidelines.
Links For Children
We also have a page dedicated to child safety for children to access should they need to.
Safer Recruitment
Senior leaders and some governors receive safer recruitment training on a regular basis to ensure we recruit safe people to work with our children.
The Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO) works within Children's Services and gives advice and guidance to employers, organisations and other individuals who have concerns about the behaviour of an adult who works with children and young people. All staff and governors are made aware of who the LADO is as part of their annual and termly safeguarding refresher training.
Staff Code of Conduct
All staff are reminded of the expectations of appropriate and safe behaviour when working with children as part of their annual and termly safeguarding refresher training.