Welcome to Year Six
We are Mrs Zahid, Mrs Mir & Mrs Lunat and we are the adults that will be working with you this year.
If you would like to get in touch with us in regards to any questions or queries that you may have, we will be more than happy to help! Please contact us on the following email address:
Gallery 2024-2025
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Year 6 had a fantastic day celebrating Number Day to raise money for NSPCC. |
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To celebrate Rosa Parks Day, Year 6 have researched the life of the influential individual |
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Thank you Team Modeshift for delivering first aid sessions to our children |
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Year 5 & 6 explained the role of the members of Parliament. We really enjoyed debating at The House of Commons |
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In Year 6, we celebrated World Religion Day by embracing the value of acceptance and the significance of celebrating and understanding diverse faiths in our community. |
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Year 6 have worked hard to learn the basics of gymnastics including movements and key shapes. |
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Year 6 have learnt all about how to deliver basic first aid. "I feel confident helping my peers when they get hurt." | |
Happy Roald Dahl Day from Year 6! We have worked in groups to research the life of the famous author and present our facts in a creative way. | |
We have enjoyed their time at the House of Wisdom this morning. We are so fortunate to share a passion for reading. | |
Year 6 have created fantastic pieces of poetry and art to celebrate International Day of Peace. In P4C, we discussed the question ‘What is peace?’. | |
Our Artist for this half term is Alberto Giacometti. We studied his art work and then used foil to create our own sculptures in the style of Giacometti. | |
Year 6 had a magical day at Warner Bros Studio. After reading the Philosopher's Stone, We visited Harry Potter World, where we saw Privet Drive, Diagon Alley and many of the props and sets from the movie. It was a fantastic experience. |
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Gallery Archive 2022-2023
Mental Health Mental health is as important to a child's safety and wellbeing as their physical health. It can impact on all aspects of their life, including their educational attainment, relationships and physical wellbeing. In Year 6 we have been looking at ways to promote positive mental health. We have decided that we will use the outdoor space to help us do this. | ![]() |
Drama/Roleplay In English, children have been using drama and roleplay to understand the characters better from the story Rose Blanche. They had to discuss the vocabulary choices the writer has selected and the impact on the audience. This was a fun lesson. | |
P4C Children have enjoyed 'Philosophy for Children' lessons. They have a good understanding of the rules for this lesson and have participated in brilliant debates.
Some of the children have planned and taught their own P4C lesson and this has been a fantastic way to demonstrate the Carlton value of responsibility and achievement. | |
Working Walls In Year 6 we have an English and Maths working wall. These are an effective resource to support the children's learning and in Year 6 the children have been using the walls to magpie vocabulary, revise a key step or revisit learning. They also have challenge activities to stretch their learning and give them a cognitive wobble. | |
Appreciation-Kindness Children in Year 6 have given all the Teaching Assistants a Thank-you card to show how much they are valued and appreciated. Saturday 16th September is the National Teaching Assistants Day and Year 6 have enjoyed looking at ways to show the Carlton value of kindness for this event. | |
Roald Dahl Day Roald Dahl Day is an annual global celebration of Roald Dahl’s marvellous stories, characters and worlds from Matilda to Charlie and The Chocolate Factory. Year 6 enjoyed researching this amazing author and created fact files on Dahl. They also created their own dream jars after being inspired by the BFG.
'I love Dahl stories because they are humorous and adventurous!'
'Roald Dahl is an author who always keeps you engaged because his stories take you on wild adventures and there is always good versus bad, where the good triumph'. | |
Ukulele Ukulele has replaced traditional classroom recorder learning in recent years. It’s ease of use, sound and aesthetics have made it a popular instrument with children. Encouraging pupils to participate with music from an early age is a great way to build on confidence and further an understanding of communication and expression. Ukulele has proved to be a great tool for learners of all ages to get into music. Year 6 have enjoyed their lessons with this instrument and look forward to producing some brilliant music. Year 6 have learnt some fun facts. These include:
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Gallery Archive 2022-2023
Maths Challenge-Long Division!
The Pedagogy Pals went through some examples of long division and explained this step by step. We then practiced the skills and now as a class are more confident with long division.
Forest School Reading
The children enjoyed reading their favourite books in the Forest School. They shared what part of the story they were reading and used role play and drama to act out scenes and this was both enjoyable and engaging. Reading is powerful and improves the creativity within an individual so Year 6 aim to do lots of reading this year.
Pals At Carlton
the roles of Pals are important. These are our Peace, Planet and Pedagogy Pals. The Peace Pals help ensure that all the Carlton Values are met and that if any one has any disagreements to encourage them to solve their differences. Planet Pals switch the lights off, help clean the environment and consider ways to promote sustainability. The Pedagogy Pals help children with their learning in fun and creative ways.
Reading for Meaning...
Children have had to use a range of reading skills in order to compare the characters in 'The Silver Sword'. They retrieved key facts and details, summarised key events and used inference skills to build a better understanding the journey of the characters. This was an enjoyable and challenging activity.
Mental Health!
Year Six children have been enjoying the outdoors and doing a range of exercise. Exercise such as walking, using the gym equipment and deep-breathing have a positive impact on your mental health. The children have discussed and shared ways to improve their mental health.
Role-Play and Drama...
In English we have used role-play and drama to understand the characters and events in the class book we are reading. Through this we have practiced a range of oracy skills too such as active listening, tonal variation, pace of speaking and voice projection. The children have done really well and Year 6 look forward to public speaking events where they can showcase their skills.
Railway Safety!
We had the pleasure of meeting a Police officer from the British Transport Police and a member of the Railway children. Both adults were here to talk to Year 6 about staying safe when using trains and what to do if you are ever in need of help. This was a useful and informative session and we are grateful for their visit.
Our Precious World...
Year 6 have been learning about global citizenship. As a class we talked about countries where our families were from and some of the children in the class shared the country they were born in and what they liked about the country. We learnt that a global citizen is someone who is aware of and understands the wider world – and their place in it. They are a citizen of the world and take an active role in their community and work with others to make our planet more peaceful, sustainable and fairer. We discussed things we could do within our school and our community to make a valuable contribution to our world. The Planet Pals will be looking into this further.
Graduate Homework
Thank you to the children who have produced some fantastic work for their holiday graduate homework. Some work has included designing and building a Mayan pyramid, 3D models of the Earth and paintings in the style of Vincent Van Gogh.
Mayan Artwork...The children used a range of craft and design techniques to create different pieces of art linked to their Mayan topic. Many materials were used including Modroc, feathers and clay. This was an enjoyable and creative experience. Black History Month... Through October children completed many different activities to raise awareness for the importance of equality. Through research, discussions, debates and collaboration with peers in different year groups they built a good understanding of Black History Month and the significance of this month. Year 6 then helped organise and run a Black History Month Showcase which was a huge success. Well done children.
Warner Bros Studio...
Year 6 had an excellent time at the Warner Bros Studio. They saw how the story of Harry Potter was brought to life and they found this trip not only educational but so fun too.
The children received plenty of compliments from members of the community for their behvaiour and attitude to learning. Carlton staff were very proud of all the children.
Oxford Trip...
Year 6 were brilliant ambassadors for their school during the Oxford Enrichment trip. They looked after their younger peers and engaged effectively in all the workshops.
Thank you to Ms Mahmood and staff involved in allowing the children to embark on this life time opportunity and experience. The children gained so much knowledge and added to their cultural capital from this visit.
New Year Calendars...
Year 6 children used water paints to create their pictures for their New Year calendars. Some children chose to use oil crayons to create in the style of Van Gogh whilst others opted for a four seasons style painting. They enjoyed this activity and also used this opportunity to begin to think of some goals for the New Year.
Kindness Stockings
Children designed and decorated their own stockings which were hung on the back of their chairs. Through the week the children have filled their friends stockings with ways that they have shown the value of kindness. The children will then take their stocking home with kinds words in about themselves.
Some of the kind notes included:
"You are always smiling and this brightens my day."
"Thank you for asking how I am every day."
"I enjoy listening to your ideas and your confidence helps me grow too."
Spring 2023
All the children in Year 6 enjoy their P4C lessons. These lessons empower our children to explore their own ideas and thoughts and listen to their peer's ideas.
P4C enhances thinking and reasoning across the curriculum, supports development of values and understanding of virtues, helps pupils become more articulate and confident speakers and listeners and shows pupils how to challenge and question, within the rules of respectful dialogue.
Chinese New Year
Children have produced brilliant Graduate homework around the topic of Shang Dynasty. The picture is a selection of some of the work the children have produced. Children made dragons using a range of materials and traditional Chinese houses. Well done to the whole class for their fantastic effort when completing the homework.
The children have used the internet to research about Chinese New Year. They have found poems, traditional stories and key facts. They then have presented their research either in a PowerPoint presentation or a poster using Microsoft Word/Publisher.
Lunar New Year, also known as the Chinese New Year and the Spring Festival, is celebrated by nearly 2 billion people worldwide. In 2023, Lunar New Year falls on the 22nd of January, when people will say goodbye to the Year of the Tiger and usher in the Year of the Rabbit.
Traditionally it's a time to honor ancestors and deities, marked by family reunions, parades and fireworks. While based on the Chinese calendar, Lunar New Year is also celebrated in Korea, Singapore, Mongolia, Tibet and Vietnam and in Asian communities around the world.
Children have enjoyed solving algebraic equations in Maths and they have really enjoyed using NCETM materials to challenge themselves further and deepen their understanding. They have used algebra to solve problems and have had to use their reasoning skills to explain the steps they used to get the correct answer.
Parents please quiz your children about their learning.
The children across the school who achieved 100% enjoyed a treat. Can all children in Year 6 make a huge effort to improve their attendance please.
Mental Health Week
To raise awareness for Mental Health Week we used dance to portray our feelings and emotions. Thank you to our amazing dance coach for helping us to practice for our dance performances. We felt energised and proud of our performance.
Children have been writing a discovery narrative based on Darwin's Voyage. They enjoyed studying the structural and language features for this text type and bringing their learning together to create their own detailed narratives. Ms Mahmood enjoyed listening to the children's work and was full of praise. Well done Year 6!
Number Day
The children have had an amazing day discussing what their numbers represented. For some children it was their age and for others it was their favourite football player's number.
Internet Safety Day
Year 6 children took part in lots of activities and competitions to raise awareness on how to stay safe online. Some children through research in their own time, planned a PowerPoint presentation and shared this with the class. Additionally, we were reminded about who our DSLs were and who our E-Safety lead was.
Would You Rather?
Year 6 have been debating about characters from their class reads and had to choose who they would rather be and explain why. This was a brilliant challenge and continues to promote their love for reading.
Junior Leadership Team Reading...
Year 6 Junior Leadership Team took time out to read newspaper articles around issues such as global climate change and the environment. They are now using this to facilitate their social action plan.
Fairtrade Fortnight!
Children in Year 6 enjoyed their trip to the Fairtrade Conference. After being inspired, the children have made their own display to share with their peers and have really enjoyed studying the history of Fairtrade and the impact it has had on our world.
Riddle oh Riddle...
Boxing Competition!
Year 6 children took part in a Boxing competition and performed exceptionally well. They have really enjoyed this sport and have held a discussion with Mr. Field and as a result there is now a Boxing club at school for both key stages. Well done boys, Year 6 team are so proud of you.
Reading Zones..
Year 6 created new reading zones where they could enjoy reading in peace. This is a part of our Reading Month where we are increasing our time for reading for pleasure.
MM-"I loved the reading den because I could zone out and travel to another world".
MF-"The noise from the crackling fire video let my mind focus on reading and this made the experience more engaging".
Library Visit!
Year 5 and 6 enjoyed their visit to the library. They had a writing workshop and listened to a part of a story being read by a librarian. The children enjoyed this cultural capital enrichment and stated how they looked forward to visiting the library more often.
1001 Arabian Nights Role Play...
Children had to work in small groups to think of key parts in the chapter that they could role play. They focused on the reading gem of summarise.
Year 6 children have enjoyed the start to the religious month of Ramadan. They have researched the history of Ramadan, written poems, created lanterns and mosques and have had reflection time
Challenge Area!
Year 6 children have enjoyed attempting to complete the challenge activities from the challenge area. This has got their brains working overtime and they have had to face real cognitive wobbles which has been brilliant.
3D Models
Year 6 children have created 3D models of the Big Ben for their art homework! Excellent research and D&T skills.
Shakespeare Play...
Year 6 have enjoyed their workshop with 'AsCreatives'.The children have role-played parts of the Macbeth play and have enjoyed delving deep into the play! They had an opportunity to develop their skills in drama and were fantastic.
Royal History...
Year 6 have created a tree with ornaments that are associated with King Charles III and the royal family. They have researched the history of the family and looked at the reigns of previous British monarchs.
Snow Cold-SATs Treat!
Year 6 children visited 'Snow Cold' for a delicious treat to celebrate the end of SATs. They have worked tremendously hard, revised thoroughly and attended booster sessions regularly so it was a well deserved. Thank you Ms Mahmood for always spoiling us.