Welcome to Reception
Welcome to Saplings class archive page
Where the journey begins…
We are Miss Hewitt and Mrs Sajjad and we are the adults that will be working with you this year.
If you would like to get in touch with us in regards to any questions or queries that you may have, we will be more than happy to help! Please contact us on the following email address's:
Gallery 2023 - 2024
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Jeans For Genes Day!
World Teacher Day
Mental Health Day
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Special guests
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Flying Fridays
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Room on the broom
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Pumpkin soup
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Witches and Wizards
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Firework extravaganza
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Remembrance day
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Kindness day
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EYFS open evening
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Three Billy Goats
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Post office
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Stockeld Park
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Party games
Planting EYFS children enjoyed planting cress and broad beans. they said “Plants need water and sunlight to grow”. | |
Winnie the Pooh day The children in EYFS learnt about Winnie the Pooh today. They were reminded about being brave and the joy in little things. “Sometimes the smallest things take up the most room in your heart”. To continue their learning about Winnie the Pooh, lots of the EYFS children went home and watched an episode. Parents couldn’t believe how focused the children were over the weekend. | |
National cheese day The children in EYFS enjoyed tasting different types of cheese on ‘National Cheese Day’. They learnt that cheese is made from milk and although cow’s milk is popular, buffalo‘s milk, sheep’s milk and goats milk are also popular around the world. | |
ICT Can you guess what we have been trying to draw in EYFS today? A clue: it links to our topic, Outdoors | |
Outdoors After reading the story The Giant And The Beanstalk EYFS children podded some beans, planted flowers and sorted a variety of beans. | |
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EYFS children enjoyed making banana split during World Fairtrade Fortnight. The children used fairtrade ingredients to make their delicious banana split. It was a big hit as they all devoured it! |
During outdoor play, children used their number recognition skills to match the numerals to the number of spots. |
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In English, children used their phonological awareness to find all the rhyming words. |
EYFs children collaboratively created a story map for The Train Ride. They retold the story and even acted out some scenes. |
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The children used the tens frame to subtract some number stories. They also attempted to write subtraction number sentences too. |
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During outdoor play, children had fun creating a car wash. They scrubbed and rinsed without any hesitation. The children loved talking about their own experience at the car wash! |
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EYFS re-enacted Midsummer Nights Dream as part of our Shakespeare Workshop. |
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Gallery Archive 2022-2023
Summer 1
Our World
The children have decided to create the planet earth using cotton wool pads pipettes and water based paint to represent the land and the sea as watched how they merge together.
Traffic Lights
Saplings have been learning all about transport this morning. They made their own traffic lights in provision.
Worm Hunting
Worm hunting in EYFS this morning. Did you know worms don’t have eyes?
Eid Mubarak 2023
The children thoroughly enjoyed the Eid festivities at school today. They all had an opportunity to go on the bouncy castle, buy sweet treats and raffle tickets to win some amazing prizes!
Raising Money for Charity
A big Thank you to K.A for raising lots of money for the Social Action Project. We all raised a total of £376 for the Moonlight trust and £376 for the One Nation charity. Thank you for your kind donations.
Kings Coronation
What a fun filled day we had in Early Years for the King’s Coronation! The children started the day with dough disco coronation then sang ‘God Save the King’ in assembly with great enthusiasm. We later had lunch in the classroom and were happy to see our parents joining in.
Saplings loved learning about past and present transport and had fun playing with some vehicles on the track during outdoor play.
After reading ‘Mr Gumpy’s Outing’ Early Years children made a big boat just like the one in the story and counted the total number of people in the boat by adding one more each time.
Music and Singing
EYFS have been enjoying singing nursery rhymes at every opportunity. Can you believe some of these children had very little English when they first started and now they are forming full sentences and singing with their friends. Please click on the link to watch the video.
Pictures through Shapes
The reception children created some transport pictures using 2d shapes. They could even name the 2d shapes they used!
Outdoor Play
During outdoor play reception children had lots of fun skipping. They even skipped in pairs!
Life Skills
EYFS children are learning the valuable lesson of cleaning up after themselves and promoting independence.
Welcome to Saplings
This week we welcomed a new addition to our cute little rabbit Simba. He is our new class pet which all the children will be encouraged to help to look after him.
Spring 2023
Our Art Work
This half term we have really enjoyed using the painting easel to create different art work with paint and paint brushes, lots of children made artwork using their own experiences.
Outdoor Play
We are focusing heavily on the outdoor play and exploring the outdoor area. Carlton have bought some new and exciting resources for our outdoor area such as balls bats hoola-hoops skipping ropes stilts and much more to enhance our play. Over the next few weeks the children will explore the new resources.
Playing in the snow
Today we played out in the snow! The children loved watching the snow fall catching it in their mouths their hands and throwing small snowballs. Some children said this was the first time they played in the snow and really enjoyed exploring the different affects of the snow such as: melting on the floor.
Chinese New Year Workshop
Today in our class we asked all parents to join us to help to celebrate Chinese New Year, lots of our parents joined us and joined in with the activities set up.
We tried noodles for the first time in school, made Chinese lanterns using collage materials, we cut our our own Chinese lanterns, we made envelopes with money and sweets in and much more.
The activities were greatly enjoyed by both parents and children.
Creating natural faces
The children created their own faces using natural resources, they were encouraged to look into the mirror and replicate what they could see with a range of different materials. When the children first started they made the same faces and we have looked back at the first portraits they made and looked at the differences between them. We also looked ahead and discussed what differences we might have when we are grown up.
Reading with year 5
An exciting opportunity has arose in early years where the year 5 students read to early years, each child gets an opportunity to read a book with the year 5's and use language to explain about different parts of the story. Each week the children will come to early years to read with the children.
In maths this week we have learnt how to pair different items up, here the children have used wellies to match them correctly. The saplings children loved this game.
Making a kite
Using a black bin liner, string and Sellotape children enjoyed making kites and going onto the mugger to fly their kites they had make. This encouraged the children to become creative using simple resources to create amazing results.
African animals
Our term for this half term is animals and this week we have focused on African animals, the children increased their knowledge by role playing African animals, drawing which animals they think live in Africa and reading books along with lots of other activities.
Baby animals
The children in Saplings have spoken about baby animals and which animals have which parents and the correct name for each baby animal. The children explored activities such as: matching games, mark marking, colouring and painting the animals.
Our pets
The children have been talking about which pets they have at home and drawing these animals, they also discussed which animal they think would make the perfect pet and gave reasons for why they thought this.
Recognising numbers
Some children in saplings enjoyed rolling the dice and recognise the number on the dice depending on the amount of dots shown, they were then encouraged to represent the number using small blocks.
The children were all asked to sort block towers into the correct order depending on their size. Most children could sort the blocks into the correct order.
Numbers Day
Today in saplings we all dressed up as our favourite number, all the children made a huge effort and used their imagination to create tops, hair styles and accessories with numbers on. We focused heavily today on numbers and why numbers are so special to us and where we use them in every day life.
Guide Dog
The amazing guide dog Oasis came to visit us today, we learnt about the amazing work that a guide dog does and why they have their special job. We all took turns to stroke the dog and some of us even fed the dog its treats. We invited parents to also join us with siblings to see the guide dog.
Library Visit
Today we visited the library as a whole class, we walked from school to the library with our teachers and loved seeing all the new and exciting books in the library we could access. Whilst at the library, Janice read us some books, we played games and sung lots of songs that we joined in with before walking back to school again.
Butterfly Day
Today was butterfly day, we had lots and lots of fun! We raised lots of money for EDS charity through bun and cake sales, bouncy castle, Mendi, face painting, butterfly crafts and much more. All the children took part throughout the school and was lovely to see the excitement shared by all.
Bring a parent to school day
Today was bring a parent to school day, we had so many parents attend it was lovely to see, the parents were showed out morning routine from the register, morning starter books and phonics to our amazing continuous provision.
Pancake Day
Today was pancake day the children loved watching the adults make the pancakes, it took a few attempts but we got there in the end, they enjoyed helping pour the ingredients together and shaking the mixture together. The children also enjoyed trying the pancakes some had sugar and lemon and some has syrup.
Making Mud Pies
Today was visited the forest school to make mud pies, by collecting lots of resources from the forest floor such as mud, twigs, leaves, acorns, stones and flowers they mixed them all together using sticks they found or spoons. The children loved to dig the mud up and create their own mud pies. We added water to all the ingredients to make it bind together when mixing.
Our gym equipment
The children loved visiting the mugger with the gym equipment on, they used many skills we have learnt in our various P.E lessons to become successful at climbing and other physical activities.
Reading Breakfast
The reading breakfast was very successful, thankyou to all the parents who attended and read books with their child whilst having some special breakfast items that were provided.
World Book Day
Today was world book day, all children made a huge effort to dress up as their favourite book character, also all the staff dressed up as a character from Alice in Wonderland and decorated our classroom door. We joined in with a parade of our costumes throughout the school and the teachers picked the best dressed child from each class. Also on world book day Ms Mahmood came to read our books we brought from home which all the children enjoyed.
Our Chicks
In reception this half term we have looked at life cycles, we ordered some eggs so we could watch them hatch in our class. We have welcomed 4 healthy chicks into our school, their names are: Matilda (yellow), Dottie (black with yellow head), Nugget (black) and Wednesday (grey). When they are big enough they will be living in our chicken coup in the top field.
Exotic animal visit
This week is British science week and we had the pleasure of meeting lots of different exotic animals, most of the children had not seen these animals before such as, a snake, a bearded dragon, Guinea pigs, gecko and much more. The children were very brave even though sceptical at first most attempted to touch the animals and ask the handler questions about each animal.
In EYFS this week we have focused on planting and growing over many aspects of our subjects, we planted sun flowers into large pots and they have started to grow! The children have loved looking daily at the sunflowers to see who's is growing the tallest and which they think will produce the best flower. We have also planted cress seeds and they have grown super fast, the next step is making and eating egg and cress sandwiches.
Number bonds to 10
In maths we are focusing on number bonds to 10, the children have quickly grasped the concept of number bonds and even learnt a new song. Why not as your children to sing the song to you?
3D Shapes
Alongside number bonds we have also began to learn 3D shapes and what shapes we can see in our environment, lots of children already know lots of 3d shapes and their names so as a parent you could ask your children the shapes as you are out with them in your house or local area.
In EYFS we love the snow, all children enjoyed playing outside in the snow and throwing snow balls, mainly at Mrs Wood, catching the snow in their hands writing their name in the sand, seeing who could throw the highest snowball against the wall and generally exploring the changes in the weather.
Red Nose Day
Today was red nose day for comic relief all children were encouraged to come to school in something red, the children all looked amazing. We then spoke about comic relief and how they help others around the world and asked EY to tell us what they would do for red nose day.
Exploring Properties of 3D shapes
Today in maths we have focused on properties of 3D shapes, we used a ramp to see which shapes would roll, slide and build.
World Down syndrome Day
We celebrated world down syndrome day today by wearing odd socks to school and talking about everyone's differences from each other and what makes each of us unique and special.
Our winners of progress in reading.
Well done to the two children who won free books for trying really hard and having amazing progress in reading this term.
Petting Zoo Visit
Today the amazing petting zoo came into Early Years for us all to pet the different animals, they brought in 4 chicks a hen a cockerel, bunnies who were only 3 weeks old, a guinea pig and 3 adult rabbits. The children absolutely loved this opportunity to hold, pet and see the animals running, jumping, flapping and hopping around.
Ramadan Mubarak
In EY today we have discussed Ramadan and what it means to us as a person and a school, children enjoyed sharing first hand experiences and telling their friends what they do during Ramadan and also what their families do.
Reading at the park
The whole school walked to the park today as part of our reading month they enjoyed sharing books with partners in groups as a whole and individually, they really enjoyed having a different experience when reading.
Shakespeare workshop
In the Shakespeare work shop the children enjoyed re-enacting the story of the Tempest and playing some small games with the lady delivering the workshop.
Tatty Bumpkin Yoga
The amazing Tatty Bumpkin company came in today to teach our children a yoga lesson, they enjoyed following the story of the mermaid and incorporating it into a yoga routine. We was encouraged to stretch up high and low and we also practised our breathing to help us feel calm and relaxed.
Easter Hunt
This week the whole school completed an Easter egg hunt, the eggs were hidden all over the grassed area and the children raced to find the eggs, once the eggs were all found they were equally shared out between them all. The children loved doing the Easter egg hunt.
Our Farm Trip
Our amazing farm trip to Swithens Farm this year for our annual farm trip, this year the children have loved feeding and petting lots of different animals, we saw new born lambs, pigs, lamas, donkeys, chickens cows and many more animals.
The Colour Monster
We have been reading The Colour Monster as our core story and discussing our feelings. The children then created sensory bottles, each child was asked how they were feeling and depending on their feelings they created a different coloured sensory bottle using different media in that colour.
Our Self Portraits
We have created our own self-portraits using natural resources, we had different choices such as conkers, shells, leaves, sticks and string. Each child was encouraged independently to create their own self portrait with different natural resources of their choice.
Representing number 3
We have been learning our numbers in maths over the last few weeks, we have learnt how to write, represent and count to 1 and 2 and we are now focusing on number 3. The children have completed activities to help them learn the different ways to count.
Our Families.
The children have learnt about each other's families and how they are different. Using different natural materials and stones the children were encouraged to make their own families.
Forest School
We have been visiting our forest school over the last few weeks and exploring our outdoor area. When we went up to the forest school we drew our faces using different materials we found in the forest such as twigs stones acorns and leaves.
Fruit Faces
The children have created faces using fruit, they were all asked to look at themselves and create a face using different types of fruit that they chose.
Repeating Patterns
Reception children have created repeating patterns this week, they have used different materials and resources to make repeating patterns such as numicon, coloured paint, fruit and natural resources. The children have become very good at creating their own repeating patterns.
World Porridge Day
Today was world porridge day a group of children helped to make their own porridge using milk and oats and putting it into the microwave with help from Mrs Wood. All the children were then encouraged to try the porridge the children had made, and it was thoroughly enjoyed. Some of the children had never tried porridge before but did really well at tasting it.
Our Visit From The Community Support Officers
The community support offices came to visit our school and spoke to us about their job and what they do around our community. The children were asked questions about how they should behave in and out of class and what good and bad behaviour means. The community support officers will be visiting our school over the next year.
Bradford College Student Visit
We had a visit from the Bradford College this half term they came into our classroom, and we encouraged them to join in with our Squiggle while you Wiggle warm up, which we do each day. We all had a partner from Bradford College that we had to show how to do Squiggle while your Wiggle. Everyone really enjoyed this and said it was 'lots of fun!'
Our Music Lessons
Mr Isaac comes every week to our class for a music lesson. He teaches us different ways to use instruments to make sounds and we enjoy learning new songs together and creating dances to different songs.
First Aid Training
All the children attended a small first aid course, they were all taught simple first aid such as: what number to call if in an emergency, recovery position, what to do if someone is choking and how to apply bandages and plasters to others. This was really enjoyed by all children, and they learnt valuable skills.
Our writing skills
So far this half term we have focused on forming recognisable letters in our literacy lessons. The children have started to recognise and form the letters of different words related to our core story 'The Something'.
World Poetry Week
Today it was world poetry week, we created our own poems and tongue twisters in our class together with our teachers. We then had the pleasure of a small group of year 6 children that came down to our class to read us their amazing poems. They first read them to us in English and then different languages such as: Urdu, Punjabi and even Japanese!
Exploring Our senses
The recpetion class have been exploring our 5 senses, we have had a discussion about what our 5 senses are and what they are used for. The children identified all 5 senses and then they walked up to the forest school to explore which senses we use in the outdoor area. We used our nose to smell the flowers, eyes to see the trees blowing, ears to hear the cars going past, our mouths to taste our apples for snack and our hands to feel the grass.
Playdough Hedgehogs
The children made hedgehogs to fit into our autumn theme they used brown playdough for the body, pasta for the spikes and googly eyes to stick on. This activity was thoroughly enjoyed by all the children.
Making Pumpkin Soup
A group of children helped Mrs Wood to make carrot and pumpkin soup using lots of different ingredients, we used garlic, pumpkin, carrot, ginger, pepper and water to make our soup. The children used child friendly knives to cut the carrots and pumpkins and stirred the ingredients before adding everything into the soup maker to cook.
The children have been focusing on circles this week and exploring the circles in our environment, the children were encouraged to find circular objects in the environment.
The children have been focusing on triangles this week and exploring triangles in our environment, the children were encouraged to find triangular objects in the environment.
Shape Sorting
The children were encouraged together to sort the shapes for an activity, they were all given a shape to sort into either triangle, circles or an unknown shape.
Witches and Wizards Day
On 20th October we organised witches and wizards' day for the children and staff, everyone was encouraged to dress up as witches and wizards and the staff set up Halloween themed activities. The activities set up where: making potions, designing masks, decorating our own biscuits, colouring monsters and making a monster using playdough and other resources. All the children looked amazing in their outfits and the day was enjoyed by all!
Staff training course
Mrs Sajjad and Miss Hewitt attended a course about outdoor play to update our knowledge and improve our outdoor provision. The course informed us of lots of interesting information and ideas about the outdoors which will be implemented next term. We also met a famous lady called Shonette Bason Wood. She spreads the happiness pedagogical approach by helping educators believe in themselves with self motivation tips and ideas. Shonette created 'dough disco' and 'Squiggle Whilst you Wiggle' which we complete everyday at school to help with our fine motor and gross motor skills.
Rainy Day Experiments
During Outdoor play today it was very rainy, the children were asked to put their wellies and rain coats on to play outside in the rain. They really enjoyed splashing in the puddles in their wellies and using powder paint to create colours into the puddles, the children shared their ideas on what the colourful puddles looked like, one child said "it looks like the Galaxy"
Bike Ability
We have the pleasure of John coming into school to help us to become more confident at riding our bikes, all the children have taken part in bike ability and have thoroughly enjoyed learning how to ride our bikes and to be safe when doing so.
Pudsey Bear
For Children in Need the children were invited to wear spots or yellow and donate money for the charity. Lots of children made a huge effort and looked amazing. Thank you for the donations for Children in Need.
Remembrance Day Stay & Play and Nursey Rhyme Stay and Play
Parents were invited to join their children at school for the morning to create different Remembrance Day activities. We also had lots of parents attending the Nursey Rhyme stay and play session which was enjoyed by all!
Christmas Jumper Day
Today the children were all invited to wear Christmas jumpers along side having our Christmas dinner. The staff and children all looked amazing wearing their Christmas jumpers and outfits. We also completed lots of Christmas themed activities throughout the week.
Stockeld Park Trip
The children all visited Stockeld Park as our school trip, every child had an amazing time exploring the different areas and activities around Stockeld Park.
All children visited Santa and received a present which was very special.
The children had the opportunity to explore the different areas around the park such as: Light Trail, Ice skating rink, play areas, slides, sand pits, fairy garden, enchanted forest and the Maze which was very difficult to find our way out of!
Our Nativity Performance
This year we performed our Wriggly Nativity, all the children practised very hard with the nativity and it was a great success. The EY staff would like to thank all the parents and carers for their support during the Nativity from helping them practice the songs and lines to attending the performance itself. I hope you all enjoyed it as much as we did!
Decorating the Christmas Tree
The children all enjoyed decorating the Christmas trees around the provision. Children were split into two groups to decorate each tree with an adult. They enjoyed putting the lights, baubles and tinsel onto the trees to make them look pretty and sparkly.
Our visit to the Church
We had a Church visit this morning and the children and staff really enjoyed speaking about Christmas and the story surrounding Christmas and baby Jesus. Everyone was very curious and enjoyed looking around the Church.
Our Christmas Dinner
Today was our Christmas dinner, all the children had the full traditional Christmas dinner. We had crackers to pull with our friends and received a prize in our crackers. We all enjoyed trying the new foods on our plates.